“I think the biggest threat tourism poses to the environment – beyond carbon emissions and
natural resource wasting – is when people travel to a new country, a new city or a new community without an understanding of that area’s social and economic life. it’s when people travel to parts of the world where the currency is weaker simply because it’s ‘cheaper,’ bringing with them expectations of luxuries, resorts and vacation, and without thinking critically about how their expectations impact the local community and its necessity to meet those expectations in order to generate business.” In honour of Earth Day – scheduled this year for Sunday April 22 – and our focus this month on ecotourism, we’re thinking about our planet. We’re thinking about the human activities that have the most harmful impact on it, especially the one we love most – travel.
We’re compelled to ask: What is tourism in its worst form, environmentally? Even in its best form, can the cost to the earth of tourism ever really be offset? More...